Hi, I am Caitlin VanHorn.

But most people call me Cait. I am a mom of three. I live in Hertford, NC on the beautiful Perquimans river and was raised in Gates, NC. I picked up my first camera when my daughter was 1, because she was ever changing before my eyes. I wanted to hold onto those moments, the best I could.

I am a witness that people, moments, and priceless seconds are fleeting. Memories will fade and time pushes so quickly that you and I forget details we can never recapture or recreate without pictures.

So when I capture your memories, I make sure to capture every moment, beautifully. To give you something to hold, to display, to show off, and to remember.

I do currently have an indoor studio on the 2nd Floor of the Hertford Hub in Hertford, NC. This is where newborns, lifestyle and family, cakesmash and milestone photos are taken. This provides a special space where clients can come in, relax, have their portraits and grab a cup of coffee or light snack. Schedule your pictures today.